Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The new Funstyle album coming out this fall with Girly Sound tracks

On one hand, I applaud the release of the Girly Sound tracks by Liz Phair.  These are some of her best works in her career.  They're great and all of her fans need to listen to these songs.

On the other hand, I've been helping to make these tracks available and I just don't know what it means for the songs that I uploaded so that other fans could listen.  I don't know if I'm supposed to shut down the myspace page, the facebook pages.

I've been operating on the assumption that Liz wanted the fans to hear these songs.  She has a right to distribute these songs.

So far, I am only just now hearing about the release of the Girly Sound tracks.  I really don't know what this means for and the pages that I've put up.

I really want to do the right thing.  I just don't have any guidance and I certainly don't have a clue on how to proceed.

Here is the link to the article about all of this:

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