Tape 2: Girls Girls Girls

Copy of Original Cassette Art Work
Here is the cover art for the second Girly Sound tape.
As with the first tape, both orientations are provided.  If you look closely at the entry for "soap star Joe" you can see that Liz originally had typed "ant in Alaska" and had to use some Wite-out to erase the entry and replace it with "soap star Joe".  These tapes were cranked out on a typewriter in 1991, before personal computers and word processing applications were available.

Those comments by a DJ
The second tape includes some comments by a DJ who seems to have received some of the earlier recordings.  His comments can be heard at the end of track 7 "Girls Girls Girls" and track 14 "Shatter".  Notice how he misreads and mispronounces Liz Phair's name (Liz Phain).  This is repeated on the tape, evidently to emphasize the mistake.

01 Hello Sailor
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

02 Wild Thing
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

03 Fuck And Run
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

04 Easy Target
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

05 Soap Star Joe
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link
06 Ant In Alaska
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

07 Girls Girls Girls
At the end of this song is the first occurrence of the mysterious DJ.
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

08 Polyester Bride
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

09 Thrax
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

10 Miss Mary Mack
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link.

11 Clean
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

12 Love Song
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

13 Valentine
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

14 Shatter
At the end of this song is the second occurrence of the mysterious DJ.
Stream/Download song: Google Drive Link

More info
Detailed track info can be gleaned from the wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girlysound